Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First Grade History

I spent a ridiculous amount of time this year researching curricula, especially history and literature. There are SO MANY great options. Some of my favorites were Sonlight, Tapestry of Grace, Veritas Press, and Story of the World. I loved aspects of all of them, and in true "me" fashion, was not willing to settle. I decided on using Story of the World as my spine, along with the activity guide, and then adding in literature choices from Sonlight, Tapestry of Grace, and Veritas Press. I never can do anything simply! I found a great site that already had the Sonlight books in order of the 4 year history cycle, and that lined up the Egermeier's Children's Bible to SOTW chapters. Many have asked for our plans, and I thought I would share them here.

Lower Grammar Ancients Schedule (revised)

Our year of history at a glance!


  1. Hi Nicole,
    Thanks for the great list. I enjoyed looking at it. I am in planning mode...and attempting to work out our 2012 year (we live in the Southern Hemisphere). My daughter will be starting Grade 1 then. I love all your books!
    Bless you
    The Cook Islands

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am just starting to plan for next year, and I love looking at your books and ideas. You Excel sheet is extremely helpful in figuring out how to organize all of this information. If I could ask, what does "CP" stand for in the activities section? Thanks :)

  3. Thank you so much for posting this! We are starting first grade in the 13/14 year. It is our first year HSing as our son is in PS Kindy.
    I have the same question as the previous poster...what is "CP"?

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this fabulous list! I believe "CP" stands for the coloring page in the activity guide within the student pages of Story of the World.

  5. Hi, your list is no longer available and I would love to get a hold of it. Anyway you could email it to me?
