Thursday, May 31, 2012


God laid this on my heart awhile ago and He has not let it go. Anyone who knows us knows we are passionate about missions. It is our hearts desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the nations. . . to see men, woman, and children be made complete in Christ. It is our hearts desire to raise up our children, as I pray over them every night, to be mighty servants and warriors for His Kingdom. We have taken at least one family mission trip every year since Ron and I were married. Our children all went on their first mission trip around 6 months old. We believe in family missions. It is our desire to raise children that understand the Great Commission was not a Great Suggestion. How do we do this? I admit, up to this point not very well. True, we talk about missions, we pray for missionaries, we go on mission trips individually and as a family . . . often. Yet, I still feel as though we are failing. Where is the day in and day out of serving? Seeing others through God's eyes, seeing needs and meeting them. This is my heart. This is what I want my children to be passionate about. If you want your children to be passionate about something, you have to be passionate about it. It must be modeled, lived out on a daily basis before them. This is what 52.4.Him is all about.  52 weeks in a year for serving God and advancing His Kingdom. I don't want my children to be mighty servants and warriors for His kingdom one day. . . I want that now.

Starting in June, it is my desire to highlight one service project/outreach opportunity a week for 52 weeks. I want serving to be a lifestyle, seeing needs and meeting them, a natural part of life.  I have small kids, and I fully understand the limitations of young families, but I will no longer allow mediocrity and busyness to control our schedule. We only do that which we prioritize, and I have failed my family at this for too long. 

Part of reality is that each week will not and cannot be a huge production. We will seek out small opportunities, bringing food to the food pantry, clothes to the clothes closet, making cards for the nursing home, or shut-ins. But it won't stop there. At least once a month I want my family to engage in an outreach opportunity outside of our home, such as visiting a nursing home, ministering at a struggling church or backyard Bible club, visiting those who are unable to leave their homes, or playing with the kids at the children's home. We will seek out opportunities to serve. I have no doubt this will be difficult. I have no doubt it will be much more challenging than I can imagine. I have no doubt there will be weeks we fail miserably, weeks we are encouraged, weeks we are ready to quit. . . I also have no doubt we will be blessed and God will be glorified.

What about you? What are you doing to ensure your children are learning the art of service? I am completely open to ideas and suggestions . . . I am going to need them! And if you are local and ever want to join us, consider yourselves invited! This is new territory for us and I am excited to blaze this path and share it with others to help them journey together as a family on mission. 

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