Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2011-2012 in Review: Science

Science is another of those "not broken" areas in our homeschool. I wanted to switch science curriculum's this year for several reasons, but E begged to continue with what we use. What can a homeschool mom say about that? When a child begs to continue, continue we shall! We have been very happy with Elemental Science. It is basically Well Trained Mind science planned out. It has several spines (encyclopedias and other real books on the topic) and then has notebooking component and weekly experiments. We did Biology for the grammar stage this year. I wasn't fantastic about getting the experiments done, but those that we did were enjoyed by E and C tremendously. They both love science. 


ES is not a "Christian" curriculum, they strive to be "neutral." This is one of the reasons I wanted to switch this year. However, the author of the curriculum is a Christian and that gave me the peace of mind knowing we wouldn't come across anything controversial for us. Also the author makes no apologies when she explains her worldview and how while she tries to remain neutral, she herself is a 7 day literal creationist. 

I also like being able to buy it as a PDF so I can use the teachers manual on my iPad, and print 2 student books for the kids. The teachers manual has a plan for either 5 days a week or 2. I love that since we schedule science 2 days a week so we can alternate with  history.  The best part of this curriculum to me is how easy it is to use, which means it actually gets done! I  The best curriculum is the one that gets used!

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