Each week we introduce a new verse and work on it all week with a goal of having it memorized on Friday. The new verse is put onto a memory bubble. The last 2 weeks verses and any new lists or key passages and We Choose Virtues character traits are also on the other bubbles. We review new work and the last two weeks new memory work every day. So a new verse gets reviewed every day for 3 weeks.
Once a verse has been reviewed daily for 3 weeks, it moves to be reviewed weekly. We use our Friday Bible time slot to review Scripture memory. A new verse remains in the weekly section for a month before it gets moved into regular rotation in our memory book.
MEMORY BOOK: Friday Memory Review
Our memory book contains all of the verses, passages, books of the Bible, Key Passages, and Bible lists we have learned since Kindergarten.
I have it divided into sections. What is in each section and how many sections would depend on how much you have to review. Right now we have 4 sections: A, B, C, and D. Each section contains older and newer work, and I rotate adding new work to keep it even.
Loop scheduling is the concept of rotating through all of your subjects before starting back at the first and is used to maintain balance for those who find themselves often skipping or not getting to certain subjects. We use a form of loop scheduling for Bible memory work.
Friday is memory review day. We work on the new verse and key passage and the kids earn a piece of candy if they can say the new verse unassisted. Instead of a Bible lesson on Fridays, we focus exclusively on memory work. Each Friday we highlight a section, rotating A-D throughout the month. So every thing we have learned at this point gets reviewed at least once a month. As more sections are added, we will decrease frequency, but then those older passages should be well established in their hearts. At any point I see they are struggling with an older verse or passage we bring it back into regular rotation, usually reviewing it 2-3 times a week until I am comfortable putting it back into weekly review and then back into rotation in the memory book.
Here is our current rotation:
Section A
ABC verses A-L
Section B
ABC verses M-Z
Section C
Psalm 23
15 Judges of Israel
Section D
Psalm 100
Old/New Testament Books
We currently don't have a "weekly" section in our memory book because we are participating in the TRUTH 66 Bible Drill and are reviewing all verses and key passages so far each Friday as well as a review week every fourth week of the month where we do not introduce new verses that week but instead focus on review and drill. We try to incorporate a lot of games in our review work and it is certainly a highlight of the kids day. They love to take turns leading recitation and "trying it out" on their own. And I love the deep roots of God's Word embedded eternally on their hearts.
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