Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Week 7 in Review 2012

Well, this week(err, last week?) can be summed up like this: Life happens and I am so glad homeschooling is flexible! Due to a family emergency we had an unexpected road trip. A loaded van, 2 adults, 3 kids, 2 iPads, 1 Kindle Fire, some homeschool books, and a 12 hour trip. Jealous? ;)

I went into the week as flexibly as I could. I didn't desire to lose an entire week of school, but family certainly trumps the priority list, so I brought what I could and just decided we would take it one day at a time. Goodness, good thing we kept those academic expectations flexible! We still had a great week and got plenty of learning and relationship building in!

LA: Is reading Tippey Limmey and I *think she got in a chapter or two every day. That was really one of my few "academic" goals for the week for her.
She completed WWE 2 week 7, First Language Lessons, a few pages of handwriting, and a few pages of Explode the Code. It's progress. Steady steps forward, right?!? 

Amazingly by Tuesday E lost her ruler and was rendered unable to complete her Math Mammoth chapter. Convenient. We found the ruler on our last day behind her bed. hmmmm. If we can count all the time she spent looking for the ruler, she would have had a decent show in math this week! 

We made steady progress in All About Reading this week, but as far as independent subjects, (oh wait we did handwriting one day!) that was all we attempted.

We did our history reading in the Biblioplan Companion, and had a great discussion on Islam. We will finish our Story of the World chapters, Window on the World, and projects for this chapter on Monday. 

Read Alouds:
Finally, something we DID do this week! We finished up Augustine: Farmer's Boy of Tagaste. Honestly, I almost gave this up several chapters in but the kids begged me to continue! I was thrilled that they enjoyed the story, and we learned so much!

We also began Aladdin and Other Favorite Arabian Nights Stories. The kids are loving this so far! 

We may not have gotten much accomplished off of the planner this week, but we had a great week regardless. We spent wonderful time with family that will not have much more time with us, and that is a gift we will cherish forever. We very much enjoyed the wonderful cooler weather outside of Florida, had a great time playing on the farm, at the park, and even visiting the zoo.

They got to pet sheep and goats:

Visit an "African Outpost:"

Pet a Ball Python:

Well, the planner may look bear, but the memories and experiences will last a lifetime. Great Week!

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