Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 12 highlights!

Well, last week ended with a bit of a health crisis. This week started with more of the same. Monday morning began with an ER visit and a one day admittance to the hospital. Fun start to the week, right? A lot of unknowns and more tests needed, so we did our best to do what we could with school for the rest of the week. I was weak and tired, and really wanted to do nothing. But that would not have been best for me or my fantastic and energetic 3! So, we persevere. Week 12 is completed!

Highlights for the week include:

C started reading! We had to try three phonics programs to find one that fit, so this was no small feat. We finished All About Reading Pre-Level last week, and this week used the Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading and Bob Books while we waited on AAR level One to arrive. The light bulb finally switched on and C was able to start blending CVC words! He was oh so excited, as was I!

Fun Friday! We try to keep Fridays light as J has a music class in the morning and we like to do history projects on Fridays and get in lots of read alouds. This Friday was not exception. E did her independent work while we were at music, and C played the Wii with daddy. :) When we got back we read the Usborne Castle Jigsaw Puzzle book. They loved it!

We also read The Making of A Knight, and all week have been reading The Minstrel in the Tower. 

Friday is project day and we made a Rice Krispie Treat castle. So fun!

I love the flexibility of homeschooling. We were able to slow down a little this week because of my health, but yet we were able to continue forward anyway. We were even able to redeem a challenging week by having a great fun Friday. Friday afternoon is upon us . . . with dollar store snacks and a Netflix movie!


  1. I'm sorry about your health issues. Way to go (still schooling through it)! I spent 6 days in the hospital in July; I feel your pain :(. Hang in there. It looks like you still had a great week :).

    1. Thank you! I am confident all will be fine. :) we certainly did what we could with the week. Sorry to hear you have had a rough time. Hope and pray all is well now. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Love the Rice Crispy project!

  3. You are such a good homeschool mom. I just love ya!

    1. You are so sweet! Thanks! We had a lot of fun! I am trying to get outside my box and force myself to do the projects that they so enjoy doing! It is not easy for me, but I am trying! :)
