I saw this idea on Pinterest and loved it! It's true that Christmastime is often about our kids, serving others, and most importantly about Christ, but our spouses often get ignored other than the gifts under the tree. My husband is certainly under appreciated all year long. So, I took the challenge and did a Christmas countdown just for him. 25 days to Christmas, 25 cards with either an encouraging word, Christmas activity or act of service.
I brought this idea up to my ladies accountability group and we decided to do this together. We took a night and dragged out all that scrap booking stuff I no longer use and made 25 cards each. I listed what I wanted on mine on another paper. I think in the end I had 10 encouragement/affirmation cards, 12 acts of service, and 2 Christmas activities.
My husband as well as the others receiving cards this Christmas have really enjoyed it and look forward to their cards each day. It has been a great reminder to take time to appreciate those we love and lean on the most.
There is one week until Christmas, 7 days to tell them how much you love and appreciate them. It doesn't have to be elaborate, just a notecard or a post it note. You will not regret it! Will you take the spouse countdown to Christmas challenge?
A few examples of acts of service (I can't share them all... He hasn't gotten them all yet, and he does occasionally read my blog) ;)
- Garbage free day (a chore he always does)
- Breakfast (another chore he does, but I made it one day for him and the kids)
- Dinner or dessert of his choice....anything.
- Ironing for him for the week (this was a HUGE sacrifice, I hate ironing!)
- 5 minute back rub
- Coffee date after the kids are in bed and chat about your favorite Christmas memories
- Special date night of his choice or something he likes to do
- Movie night of his choice
SO, SO sweet Nicole! What a blessing to him and your marriage.