Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Stop the Ride!

Stop the ride! I want to get off! Those were the words I spoke to my dh last Friday. And those words explain why I have been absent from blogland the last couple of months. After a family tragedy, a missions conference, a week of teaching ESL, a tragedy adventure I have nonaffectionately named the licecapades, out of town family visiting, and numerous other events of both positive and negative nature. . . I am getting off the ride! 

We have been schooling, but in the midst of chaos there have been far too many weeks of just getting the basics of math and LA done. We are having a history heavy week this week and trying to catch up on some read alouds. Next week we will do the same with science.

A few highlights from January and February!

C finshed RS A in January and began MM1

E began MM 3A

LA: E just finished All About Spelling 3 and started AAS 4 this week. We dropped Writing With Ease 2 in January in favor of using the WWE text to implement writing across the curriculum and mainly using narration/dication/and copywork from our current read aloud. (I am still trying to get my feet under me with this.)

E is loving using the Kindle Fire in homeschooling. I have loaded games and videos, but also just put on Writing With Ease passages, and First Language Lessons so she can follow along on her own and use the PDF annotator when applicable. She loves it!

History and Science: oh goodness we are behind here! I am currently trying to make it so we can finish in May but not rush through anything...all while still trying to enjoy the ride! (yeah, not easy, but I am doing my best!)

We had a trip to the Orlando Science Museum which was a blast! 
C particularly enjoyed the Star Wars exhibit.

We visited downtown Disney while in Orlando and went to the kids Orlando faves: 
 T Rex Restaurant and the Lego Store! 

Always the gymnast! 

C started Upward basketball, and LOVES it!!!

A trip to LegoLand and the County Fair. All three continue to be adrenaline junkies!!!

A few dance parties on the table and counters...I mean, why not?!? 

AND J TURNED 3!!!!!!
Happy Birthday J!!!!

She was excited for her pony/camping birthday party!

Her aunt made her a crazy awesome cake! 

The kids were in a commercial for their Papa's company...

Phewwww.... a whirlwind start to the new year! I was more than ready for some structure and stability this week, and am thoroughly enjoying it! You should hear some more from me as I dust off my blog and join you all back in blogland! I have missed it!

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