Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The iWorld of Homeschooling: Favorite Apps!

Oh how homeschooling has changed! I only got an iPad this year (a hand me down from my dear husband!) and an iPhone. I admit I am a little hooked...They have been amazing additions to how I do life.

The opportunities seem endless, and I am still learning!

I am simply amazed at how much fun my kids have with iPad and iPhone apps. And how dependent on it I am! I rarely use my laptop anymore. My iPad has become critical to my homeschool. I don't even think I own a set of flashcards. Drills look nothing like when I was a kid. There is way too much fun to be had!

Some of Our favorites:

Mom's top uses for the iPad in homeschooling:
Scholaric (not an app but love that is works on the iPad)
Homeschool Helper: A great homeschool planning app. (I personally use this only for reading list and field trip log)
IAnnotate: PDF annotator. Great for editing/grammar, notetaking
IBooks: I couldn't live without this! (ok, maybe I could, but you know what I mean!) I buy a ton of curriculum in PDF form, I love having it all easily accessible on those great shelves of IBooks!
Dropbox: Love! I love being able to access everything wherever I am. Homeschooling at Grandma's and forgot that math test? No problem! Access it on Dropbox and print it out. Great resource!

Geography:Stack the States
Stack the Countries

Math Bingo: C's Favorite! Practice math facts (+, -, x, /)
Sushi Monster: E's favorite! practice addition and subtraction. Not just basic facts, but great for going over 10.
Hungry Fish: Awesome practice of number bonds/fact families
Math Ninja: math facts
CalcuRace: math facts

Handwriting:Handwriting Without Tears Wet Dry Try

Starfall: J's favorite! A great way to learn letters and their sounds!
ABC Mouse

And a few Just For Fun: 
Sometimes we find ourselves stuck somewhere and their entertainment and my sanity is my sole desire. Or when every attempt at getting the preschooler engaged in something fails....At those times, these are great helpers to me!

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally 
Jakes's Never Land Pirate School

Handy Manny: J loves matching and coloring
Fruit Ninja: A game they love, and Still don't know why!
Angry Birds: See above for Fruit Ninja! ;)

Such fun to be had! Don't miss out! Check out the other Homeschool Help Series Bloggers and see which are their favorite apps and how they use iPads in their homeschools! 

Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses-- My Favourite Apps and Websites for Learning
Hwee @ The Tiger Chronicle-- Technology: A Few ConsiderationsA few things to consider with regards to using technology for education purposes
Erin @ Seven Little Australians-- If I Had An Ipad
Bernadette @ Barefoot Hippie Girl-- NOT Techie Home SchoolersDespite all the technology our family is surrounded with, we are still basically book, paper and ink home schoolers
Julie @ Highhill Homeschool-- Educational Ways to Use an iPadMy husband actually created an educational iPad app to help with multiplication. 
Lucinda @ Navigating By Joy-- Favourite Homeschool Apps - For Kids And Mums


  1. It's amazing how indispensible these tools have become, isn't it? I wonder what the future holds?!
    My kids used to love Math Bingo and Fruit Ninja too. They've recently been introduced to Candy Crush by my Grandma, that's a bit hit and a bit educational too.

  2. Wow, I do think it is amazing how homeschooling has changed over the years.
    The apps available as well as the incredible programs, You Tube Video lessons, amazing free educational tools - all there for us.
    The world has really opened up with the web!
    Now, it is a matter of sifting through what is good and useful - which unfortunately can take hours, so thankyou for this list.
