Monday, July 29, 2013

First Day of School 2013-2014!!!

We are officially NOT Back to school! Our first day of the 2013-2014 school year is over, and we made it! The kids might have even had some fun...shhhh! ;) We got a later start than I wanted, and didn't do nearly what was scheduled, but I think we only had tears once... all in all a success! ;)

                                     We started the day with First Day of School pictures!                                      

The Princess-- 3rd Grade
The Rock Star-- 1st Grade
The Diva-- Pre-K 3


Super awesome printable signs are from Teaching My 3.

And after looking forever for a free printable, I gave up and made my own. Here it is in case you were looking for something! :)

It was a super busy day, and I am exhausted...:) 


Our fourth official year of homeschooling is under way! 


  1. Congratulaions, we start our first day September 2nd, your kids are the same ages/grades as mine and its our 4th year of homeschooling too(:

    Wish you guys a wonderful year!

    1. Thank you!!! I have high hopes for this year! The little one is finally big enough to maybe not wreak utter havoc...maybe?!? ;)

      Hope you have an awesome year as well!

  2. Beautiful pictures, Nicole! Here's to a wonderful year :-)

    We have another month - UK schools take the whole of August off. Gives me muhc-needed time to sort out our schoolroom!

    1. Thank you! :) Part of me wishes we had more time for summer, and part of me is so ready for routine! Of course, routine won out! ;) besides...we have been done since mid-may and our "summer school" plans weren't working so well for us lol :)

      Happy organizing! I know I had a major reality check when I went to clean ours a few weeks ago. I can't believe how bad it was! Hopefully your sorting will be easier than mine! ;)

      Have a great rest of summer!
