Monday, September 16, 2013

Brave Writer Giveaway!!!

We are so enjoying Brave Writer this year and since I have been sharing so much about our experience with Brave Writer, it seemed logical that we would need a giveaway!  I did a review of Brave Writer here, a post on our version of Teatime Tuesday (Poetry Smoothietime) here, a post on Routine and Relationship Inspired by Brave Writer) here, and Partnership vs. Performance Learning here. Can you tell we are learning a lot?!? Have you been wanting an opportunity to try out one of Brave Writers' great products? Here is your chance!

Enter to win a free copy of either Brave Writer's Partnership Writing (ages 9-10) OR Jot It Down (ages 5-8) -- 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd love Jot it Down! I've drooled over it time and again!

  2. I would choose Jot it Down if we won. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I would love Jot it Down. I have the Writer's Jungle, but have been afraid to take the plunge. I think JiD would be the push I need!

  4. We love Brave Writer! Partnership Writing would be awesome to have!

  5. I am very interested in Jot It Down. I would love to establish a good start with writing! :)

  6. Awesome giveaway! Thank you! Both sound really good!

  7. I would love Jot It Down! I have TWJ and a few issues of the Arrow for my older child. I've been trying to find a way to fit JID into the budget for my younger children.

  8. I'd really love Jot It Down!

  9. it would be partnership writing for us, i think!

  10. Partnership Writing, definitely! As much as I love the look of Jot It Down for my 1st grader, I think my possibly dyslexic/ dysgraphic 11 year old needs all the help she can get (and by "she" I mean "me" - partnerships, right?)

  11. Jot it Down looks like it would be a perfect fit for my reluctant writer!

    Jessie Sagerser

  12. Would definitely love to have Partnership Writing!

  13. I have never used Brave Writer but would love to try it. I would pick Partnership Writing! Thanks!

  14. We would love to have Partnership Writing! Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. It would be great to have for my 3 boys!!
