Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Days are long and the years short--2013 in Review

There is a saying that states are when your children are young, the days are long and the years short. Oh how this is true!

I spent most of the last decade pregnant, nursing, or with a toddler--sometimes more than one. That makes for long days. But no matter the chaos and mayhem of the day, we look back at old photos and are amazed at how quickly the time has flown.

2013 is wrapping up.

Thanksgiving has passed. The Christmas tree is up. Presents are piled waiting to be wrapped. And we are racing through our schoolwork to finish enough to call the semester to a close.

One of the greatest take aways from 2013 is that hard work pays off.

Our usual review of a year focuses on curriculum. In our fourth year of homeschooling, curriculum is taking more of a back seat, and how we use it is taking more precedence. We are learning to focus more on the learning process than academic goals.

A Shift in Focus in 2013:

Focus on Foundation

The great foundation that we paved in kindergarten through second grade was a wonderful platform for E to build upon in third grade. She is becoming more independent, and all of the effort we have placed on the 4 R's are bearing fruit. I am very grateful for the foundation that has been laid, and it encourages me to trudge onward with my younger ones.

Focus on Relationships

While we emphasize academics and strive for academic rigor, relationship is so much more important.
Relationship with God is first and foremost, and second with family and others. Being a task oriented person makes it not so easy to focus primarily on the relationship. 2013 has seen great strides in this area, and I am grateful.

Focus on Diligence

From piano practice to phonics lessons, and basketball to gymnastics, my children are learning the importance of diligence. Especially with perfectionist children (I may have one or two of those!), the expectation to get something right away can be strong. However, each member of our family is learning the importance of hard work, and how it does pay off. I am also learning to celebrate small successes, and be patient and not push so hard for bigger ones. A hard lesson to learn.

The year has flown by... and most days certainly are long ... but these faces are worth any long day! I am so grateful for another year, the highs and the lows, the opportunities taken, and the opportunities lost...because each is for God's Glory above all else. So grateful for a blessed 2013, and looking eagerly to an even greater 2014!

Check out the other Homeschool Help Series bloggers'
2013 School Year in Review!


  1. What a beautiful Christmas photo, Nicole! I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy, healthy and successful 2014.

  2. I think your focuses are great. And it is rewarding to see progress.
