2012-2013 Curriculum
Only two weeks to go until our new school year begins. I am a little nervous since I have SO much to do! However, all books (and more books!) and resources are on the shelf, copies are made and time is near!
Here are our plans for this year:
E-2nd grade
Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages intermediate pages
We Choose Virtues
Math: Math Mammoth finish 2B-3; Right Start Games
Language Arts:
Phonics- Explode the Code 6-8 (for review)
Spelling-- All About Spelling- finish level 3-4
Grammar- First Language Lessons 2
Writing- Writing with Ease 2
Handwriting- Zaner-Bloser 2C
Reading- Sonlight finish grade 3 readers-grade 4/5 readers
History: Sonlight Core C (with a WTM flavor!) :)
Science: Elemental Science Earth, Space, and Astronomy for the grammar stage

Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages beginner pages
We Choose Virtues
Math: Right Start A moving to Math Mammoth 1A when finished
Language Arts:
Phonics- Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading/ABeka combo
Explode the Code 1-2
Handwriting- Handwriting Without Tears K
History: Sonlight Core C (the geography portion and read alouds only)
Science: Elemental Science Earth, Space, and Astronomy for the grammar stage

J- Tot School!
Bible: Tagging along with Bible Study Guide for All Ages
We Choose Virtues
Math: Puzzles, games, and manipulatives
Phonics: Leap Frog Letter Factory, puzzles and games
Updated on August 10th to join in on the Not Back to School Blog Hop!

Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages intermediate pages
We Choose Virtues
Math: Math Mammoth finish 2B-3; Right Start Games
Language Arts:
Phonics- Explode the Code 6-8 (for review)
Spelling-- All About Spelling- finish level 3-4
Grammar- First Language Lessons 2
Writing- Writing with Ease 2
Handwriting- Zaner-Bloser 2C
Reading- Sonlight finish grade 3 readers-grade 4/5 readers
History: Sonlight Core C (with a WTM flavor!) :)
Science: Elemental Science Earth, Space, and Astronomy for the grammar stage

Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages beginner pages
We Choose Virtues
Math: Right Start A moving to Math Mammoth 1A when finished
Language Arts:
Phonics- Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading/ABeka combo
Explode the Code 1-2
Handwriting- Handwriting Without Tears K
History: Sonlight Core C (the geography portion and read alouds only)
Science: Elemental Science Earth, Space, and Astronomy for the grammar stage

J- Tot School!
Bible: Tagging along with Bible Study Guide for All Ages
We Choose Virtues
Math: Puzzles, games, and manipulatives
Phonics: Leap Frog Letter Factory, puzzles and games
Updated on August 10th to join in on the Not Back to School Blog Hop!
I have never used Explode the Code although I have heard good things about it. I hope you have a fantastic year, you have great choices for all the kids :)
ReplyDeleteFound you on the hop. Blessings!
Amy, thanks for stopping by! We started using ETC with dd last year and she really loves it. We just started ds this week and the verdict is still out. ;) we use it for phonics reinforcement. One week down but so far so good! Hope you have a great year as well!
DeleteYou're ahead of me. I have my books on the shelf....and that's it. I'm hoping this next week to make up a schedule for us and get all the coping done that we'll need, however there are many blackberries that need picking. :)
ReplyDeleteFun to read what you're doing-have a great year.
thanks for stopping by! And take heart! Up until the weekend we started all I had ready was the books on the shelf! It was a busy weekend, but we got it done! ;) Hope you have an awesome start to your homeschool year!
DeleteLove this chart you made for combining the three.
ReplyDeleteI have a question for you. My daughter is 5, and we've got the letters and sounds "down" :)
We have all three things (OPGTR, ETC, H4R) but for K I have JUST ordered the whole parent and child kits. We recently went through a double-international adoption of two young children and I just wanted open and go. I just got them yesterday and I agree with you 100% on the teacher guides...in every sense. I love that it covers everything, but it's so...wordy! Plus, we are not interested in using Abeka for math and are already doing a curric for everything else pretty much except reading.
Do you think I could send back the whole K program, which would mean we skip it completely, and just use the combo you outlined with H4R on the chart you made? Would I be taking away something by missing the Abeka K? Looking at it makes me nuts! I don't want to "miss" anything, but I do NOT want to do ALL that scripted stuf f in the parent guides!
I guess i am asking if we must do the abeka K in order to do H4R?
Thank you!
Love this chart you made for combining the three.
ReplyDeleteI have a question for you. My daughter is 5, and we've got the letters and sounds "down" :)
We have all three things (OPGTR, ETC, H4R) but for K I have JUST ordered the whole parent and child kits. We recently went through a double-international adoption of two young children and I just wanted open and go. I just got them yesterday and I agree with you 100% on the teacher guides...in every sense. I love that it covers everything, but it's so...wordy! Plus, we are not interested in using Abeka for math and are already doing a curric for everything else pretty much except reading.
Do you think I could send back the whole K program, which would mean we skip it completely, and just use the combo you outlined with H4R on the chart you made? Would I be taking away something by missing the Abeka K? Looking at it makes me nuts! I don't want to "miss" anything, but I do NOT want to do ALL that scripted stuf f in the parent guides!
I guess i am asking if we must do the abeka K in order to do H4R?
Thank you!
hi there! Sorry for the delay in my response. I think you could definitely do the Handbook for Reading without the Abeka K phonics. If you are using other things for other subjects don't worry about it. ETC and OPGTR each cover all that you need, you won't be missing anything! :) Congratulations on the adoptions!